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Homeopathy for insomnia - Cleaning lady 51y

Woman, 51 year old cleaning lady, insomnia

The homeopathic remedy Hyosciamus niger helped her with her insomnia and fear. She sleeps like a baby now and is enjoying life again.

The lady sitting opposite is thin and bony with dark, curly hair. She is pale with a sunken face and circles under her eyes. She doesn´t look healthy.

She was sent to me by her brother, who is a client of mine and also paid for her consultation.

They found me in the woods”

“For the last 5 years, I have had insomnia. I sleep for a maximum of 3 hours at night. I am lying with my eyes wide open looking at the ceiling. During the day I’m tired. I barely manage to do daily chores. It got worse two months ago, when they found me after three days lost in the woods with amnesia. I was dehydrated, starved, and with bronchitis. The doctors said it was the psychogenic amnesia.”

She talks more about how she was never a good sleeper. She says she is a quite nervous person. As soon as she feels uncertainty, or loss of financial stability or safety she gets nervous and can´t sleep. She has been divorced for 17 years with 2 children. She lives alone now.

What happened 5 years ago?

“My problems got worst when my ex-boyfriend attacked me in my own house. We separated after he found a job in another country. Then he got fired and came back and wanted to us to get back together. I didn’t want to. We had a fight and then he pulled out a knife. He strangled me, beat me up, repeatedly raped me, probably wanted to kill me. I managed to run out and call the police. Since then, I almost don´t sleep at all.”

When I asked her how she feels, she says: “I know he is in prison and he can´t hurt me, but I’m still alert. Sometimes when I’m on a bus the panic suddenly comes on and I feel threatened. I’m afraid of what could happen if he is released from prison. Since it happened, I don’t trust guys anymore.”

Love disappointments.

Her former husband was also aggressive, she fell in love young and they had many fights.

When I asked her about her childhood, she says, she never felt loved by her parents. She talks about how they were never interested in her, how her father never took her on his lap. As the oldest sister, she felt forgotten among her siblings. She had to work around the house and take care of her younger siblings from early childhood. She remembers having to scrub the floor as a 7 year old.

Above all, their neighbor sexually abused her. She never told her mother, fearing she would scold her. She´ll never forgive her mother, she blames her for not seeing that something was going on with her daughter. It wasn’t better with her father either. She wanted to be a painter when she was younger, but her mother was never supportive of her dream, and, instead she ordered her to take care of her younger siblings.


No income. Nightmares.

She works as a cleaning lady, cleaning houses. Due to her sleeplessness she doesn’t have the energy to continue with her job, so she is not currently working and therefore has no income. This stressful situation doesn’t contribute to a good night’s sleep.

When I asked her about her dreams she said: “When I get to sleep, I have nightmares. I dream that I’m strangled, or having my throat slit, or falling into a deep hole.”

When I asked her what she would compare herself to, what she feels like, she says: “I feel like a soldier on a battlefield. The soldiers are sleeping in constant alert, I can’t afford to shut down and go to sleep normally.”

She chooses yellow color from the color palette – 1C.


I prescribed the homeopathic remedy – Hyosciamus niger 200C – made from the flower henbane.

This remedy could have several stages of behavior. This lady was rather passive, wounded from the various love disappointments in her life. This remedy is best suited for people who could suffer from love disappointment, jealousy, fright, who could be very suspicious and paranoid. They also can have a lot of fears, fear of being attacked, killed, poisoned, or being the victim of violence. On the physical level there is insomnia from a subconscious fear. They also can have a neurological problem like epilepsy, convulsions, chorea, or spasms.

It is an excellent remedy for bed wetting in children.

After 3 months:

I received a message:

“Ms. Lucia. I want to thank you. I sleep like a baby now. The fear from my ex-boyfriend is gone. I woke up one day and realized that he can´t hurt me anymore. I am very grateful to you. You don’t even know how much you helped me. Spread your help further, you are a very special person. God bless you.”

She sleeps like a baby now through all night. Overall, she is going very well and looking for a job. She came to life again.

Each child or adult is unique in its manifestation and, despite the similarity with the described case, may need another homeopathic remedy. Therefore, it is very important to choose a specific homeopathic remedy for each individual.

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